A device for measuring electric current in a circuit - Ammeter, Units of measurement of electric current, symbol A - Amps, Be pulled together e.g. opposite poles of a magnet - Attract, Two or more electrical cells joined together - Battery, A chemical store of energy which provides a push to move charge around a circuit - Cell, Flow of electric charge, usually electrons, in amps (A) - Current, A material that allows current to flow easily and has low resistance - Electrical conductor, A material that does not allow current to flow easily, it has a high resistance. - Electrical insulator, A property of a material- it can be positive, negative or neutral. - Electric charge, A region where a charged material or particle experiences a force - Electric field, Tiny particles that are part of atoms and carry a negative charge - Electrons, An object that has no charge or when positive and negative charges cancel out - Neutral, The units of resistance - Ohms, If some components are in separate loops in an electric circuit - Parallel , The amount of energy shifted from the battery to the moving charge, in volts (V) - Potential difference, A property of a component making it difficult for charge to pass through, in ohms - Resistance, If components in a circuit are in the same loop in an electric circuit - Series, Another word for potential difference - Voltage, A device used for measuring potential difference (voltage) - Voltmeter ,

KS3 Activate Year 7 Electromagnets


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