1) What is a copyright? a) the right to copy b) giving no rights c) intellectual property d) none of the above 2) Do you have to file to get a copyright? a) never b) yes c) no, but recommended if a creative piece 3) What form does the work have to be in to be copyrighted? a) digital b) tangiable c) idea 4) How long after the author's death is a work copyrighted? a) 20 years b) work is forever copywrighted c) 54 years d) 70 years 5) What types of things can be copyrighted? a) books b) plays c) music d) all of the above 6) Originally, how long did copyright last? a) 15 years b) 14 years c) 23 years d) 70 years 7) What is public domain? a) free use b) private property c) personal property d) nonpublic property 8) Which is NOT a reason you can borrow a small amount of work? a) to publish as your own b) news reporting c) to teach others d) parody

Copyright Game 8V



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