1) (Nigdy nie jadłam).... shrimps before. a) I has never eaten b) Inever ate c) I have never eaten 2) When (ty się przeprowadziłeś)...... house? In 2010. a) did you move b) have you moved c) did you moved 3) She (poszła)..... shopping. She'll be back in half an hour. a) have gone b) went c) has gone 4) We (nie oglądaliśmy)... the news yesterday. a) didn't watched b) didn't watch c) haven't watched 5) (Czy ty kiedykolwiekpomagałeś)... to raise money for charity? a) Have you ever helped b) Have you ever help c) Did you ever help 6) Tom (nie był w domu).... when I called him last night. a) hasn't been at home b) wasn't been at home c) wasn't at home 7) What time (on zaczął) .... his lessons? At 8. a) did he started b) he started c) did he start 8) My parents (zwiedzili)..... 5 countries recently. a) has visited b) have visited c) visited

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