1) The driving force of the Iliad is: a) The nobility of Hector b) The anger of Achilles c) The pride of Menelaus d) The beauty of Helen e) cake 2) Although the Trojan War lasted for:  a) 10 years... b) 2 years... c) 20 years... d) 9 years... e) 3 weeks... 3) ...all the action of the Iliad takes place in: a) the 8th year b) the 12th year c) the 10th year d) the 1st year 4) Although the husband of Helen was: a) Agamemnon b) Odysseus c) Ajax d) Menelaus e) Bob 5) The Greek forces were led by: a) Agamemmon, king of Mycenae b) Menelaus, king of Sparta c) Odysseus, king of Ithaca d) Achilles, Son of Peleus 6) In the tenth year of the war, the Greeks attack the temple of Apollo and capture: a) 2 priests b) 2 priestesses c) 3 priests d) a statue of Apollo e) a goat 7) The priest of Apollo asks for his daughter back, but Agamemnon rudely and proudly refuses. This is an act of: a) zenia b) timē c) kleos d) hubris 8) Apollo therefore punishes the Greeks by sending: a) a plague b) help to the Trojans c) less food d) a swarm of harpies 9) The other Greek commanders force Agamemnon to give back Chryseis to her father, so Agamemnon: a) refuses to fight any more b) takes Bryseis from Achilles c) plans to go home d) comfort eats 10) Achilles is furious at this insult to his: a) timē b) kleos c) hubris d) zenia 11) Achilles and Agamemnon have a terrible quarrel and: a) Agamemnon gives Bryseis back b) Achilles takes Bryseis back by force c) Achilles refuses to fight d) they hug it out 12) Without Achilles leading the troops, the Greeks: a) do really well and beat the Trojans b) all refuse to fight c) lose heart and are pushed back to the ships d) decide to make peace with the Trojans 13) Despite heavy losses, Achilles still refuses to fight, so Patroclus, his: a) foster brother, cousin and best friend... b) brother and best friend... c) best friend and cousin... d) deadly enemy... 14) ...begs to be allowed to borrow Achilles' a) helmet b) armour c) horse d) sword 15) Achilles agrees a) happily b) quickly c) angrily d) reluctantly 16) but Achilles warns Patroclus: a) that he must kill as many Trojans as possible b) not to get too close to Troy c) not to speak, in case they recognise his voice d) not to get his armour dirty 17) Prince Hector, the , kills Patroclus by mistake. a) Trojan commander and most noble hero b) Trojan commander and son of Venus c) youngest son of King Priam d) least important person at Troy 18) When he realises what he has done, Hector: a) chops Patroclus' head off b) gives Patroclus' body back to the Greeks for burial c) drags Patroclus' body behind his chariot d) leaves Patroclus' body in the dust 19) When Achilles realises what has happened, a) he goes mad with grief and guilt b) he is a bit upset c) he doesn't really mind 20) Hector knows that Achilles will come to kill him in vengeance, so he: a) tries to hide in the temple b) says goodbye to his wife and son and goes outside to wait for Achilles c) prays to the gods for magical protection d) runs away from Troy

The beginning of the Iliad to the death of Hector


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