1) I ... Russian a) am b) is c) are 2) We ... teachers. a) am not b) isn't c) aren't 3) The USA a) Англия b) Америка 4) Она спокйная? a) She is quiet? b) Is she quiet? 5) Сколько тебе лет? a) How old you are? b) How old are you? 6) Как "helicopter" по-русски? a) What is "helicopter" in Russian? b) How is "helicopter" in Russian? 7) Я бы хотел... a) I would like b) I want 8) to book a) книга b) забронировать 9) учить английский a) study English b) teach English 10) He ... abroad a) go b) goes 11) They ... abroad a) don't go b) doesn't go 12) Художник a) artist b) arter 13) Ты ездишь за границу? a) You go abroad? b) Do you go abroad? 14) Do you read newspapers? a) Ты читаешь газеты (регулярно)? b) Ты читал газеты (в прошлом)? c) Ты будешь читать газеты (в будущем)? 15) помнить a) know b) remember c) understand 16) когда a) when b) where c) which d) why 17) 8:15 a) quarter past eight b) quarter to eight 18) 12:30 a) half past twelve b) half past eleven 19) 3:55 a) fifty-five past three b) five to four 20) почти никогда a) hardly never b) hardly ever 21) ... Wednesday a) in b) on c) at 22) ... February a) in b) on c) at 23) ... 7 pm a) in b) on c) at 24) 2 раза в год a) two times a year b) twice a year 25) скачать к себе a) download b) upload 26) Я работаю с помощью ноутбука a) I work with my laptop b) I work with help my laptop 27) У нее есть собака a) She have a dog b) She has a dog 28) У нас есть собака a) We have a dog b) Us have a dog 29) чеснок a) onion b) garlic 30) I have ... friends. a) a b) an c) the d) ... 31) I am ... actor. a) a b) an c) the d) ... 32) boy a) boies b) boys 33) Do you have ... juice? a) some b) any 34) I have ... water a) some b) any 35) ... pizza do you want? a) How much b) How many 36) We have ... tea a) many b) a lot of 37) I have ... sugar a) a little b) a few 38) Я буду путешествовать a) I travel b) I will travel 39) через неделю a) in a week b) after a week 40) в следующем году a) next year b) in next year 41) завтра a) yesterday b) tomorrow 42) Я собираюсь поехать за границу a) I will travel abroad b) I am going to travel abroad 43) Я не собираюсь жить в деревне a) I don't going to live in a village b) I am not going to live in a village 44) Там ручка (далеко) a) That is a pen b) This is a pen c) These is a pen d) Those is a pen 45) a city a) большой город b) маленький город 46) There ... a chair and a table in the kitchen. a) is b) are 47) плита a) a cook b) a cooker 48) ... chairs are black a) Each b) All the 49) This friend is ... a) my b) mine 50) ... dog is this? It's mine. a) Who's b) Whose 51) игрушки детей a) toys' children b) children's toys c) childrens' toys 52) She's a car a) She is a car b) She has a car 53) Это я a) It is I b) It is me c) It is my 54) Это наша страна a) It is our country b) It is us country c) It is ours country 55) повернуть на право a) turn right b) turn on the right 56) ниже зеркала a) under the mirror b) below the mirror 57) Я женат \ замужем a) I married b) I am married 58) My parents ... sad a) wasn't b) weren't 59) пятый a) five b) fivth c) fifth 60) Он родился в Лондоне a) He born in London b) He was born in London 61) Мы играли a) We play b) We played c) We plaied 62) Мы не играли a) We don't play b) We not play c) We didn't play 63) Ты играл на пианино? a) Were you played a piano? b) Were you play a piano? c) Did you play a piano? d) Did you played a piano? 64) Она читала книгу a) She reads a book. b) She read a book. c) She readed a book. 65) ехать на машине a) go on a car b) go by car 66) ... she at work? a) Was b) Did 67) I ... go by plane. a) didn't b) wasn't 68) He hardly ever ... to Egypt a) travels b) travelled 69) Kate ... TV last Sunday a) doesn't watch b) didn't watch 70) Я ненавижу жадть a) I hate wait b) I hate waiting 71) Ты не против позвонить? a) Do you mind calling? b) Do you mind call? 72) читать плохо a) read bad b) read badly 73) Я умел водить машину a) I can drive a car b) I could drive a car 74) тихий кот a) a quiet cat b) a quietly cat 75) кататься на коньках a) do skating b) go skating 76) Он должен работать a) He has to work b) He have to work 77) Мы не обязаны платить a) We don't have to pay b) We haven't to pay 78) Ей следует есть меньше a) She should eat less b) She has to eat less 79) Мне следует похудеть? a) Should I lose weight? b) Do I have to lose weight? 80) крисивый мужчина a) beautiful man b) handsome man 81) высокий человек a) tall man b) long man 82) аптека a) a chemist b) a medicine 83) Она учится сейчас a) She studies b) She studying c) She is studying 84) Я читаю книги каждый вечер a) I read books every evening b) I am reading books every evening 85) Она не ждет нас в данный момент a) She doesn't waiting for us at the moment b) She isn't waiting for us at the moment 86) Я несу сумку a) I am wearing a bag b) I am carrying a bag 87) Мой кот больше твоего a) My cat is biger than yours b) My cat is bigger than yours c) My cat is more big than yours 88) Моя проблема важнее твоей a) My problem is importanter than yours b) My problem is more important than yours 89) сидеть в интернете a) go on the Internet b) surf the Internet 90) This city is the ... of all a) most beautiful b) more beautiful 91) She is the ... girl in the class. a) cleverer b) cleverest 92) This soup is the ... of all. a) worst b) worse

Финальный тест: уровень "Elementary" 



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