Q1 Imagine you are standing at zero on the number line, facing the positive direction. If you took three and a half forward steps (3.5) two times (2), where would you end up? Diagram your answer on the number line., Q2 Imagine you are standing at zero on the number line, facing the positive direction. If you took one and a half backwards steps (-1.5) four times (4), where would you end up? Diagram your answer on the number line., Q3 Imagine you are standing at zero on the number line, facing the negative direction. If you took two and a half “forward” steps (2.5) three times (-3), where would you end up? Diagram your answer on the number line., Q4 Imagine you are standing at zero on the number line, facing the negative direction. If you took four and a half “backwards” steps (-4.5) two times (-2), where would you end up? Diagram your answer on the number line..


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