1) Which of the following is NOT something natural? a) cotton b) flowers c) plastic d) wind 2) The word traditional means “according to a) age.” b) custom.” c) luck.” d) wisdom.” 3) What does the word energy mean? a) having a job b) someone with great power c) needing people to work for you d) the ability of something to do work 4) Which word means almost the SAME as produces? a) buys b) gives c) makes d) wants 5) What does the word pollution mean? a) throwing things away b) keeping something safe c) things that are no longer needed d) materials that make something dirty and not safe to use 6) What does the word source mean? a) how something is used b) why people need things c) where something comes from d) when something is all used up 7) What does the word replaced mean? a) to fill in the place of b) to keep it forever c) to give as a gift d) to have many 8) What does the word renewable mean? a) something that can be made again b) something that will not last forever c) something that no one else has d) something that is unique 9) What is the MAIN idea of the article? a) The use of wind power is growing. b) Wind energy does not produce pollution. c) The uses of wind power have not changed since ancient times. d) Rock Port, Missouri was the first American city to be powered completely by wind. 10) Which of the following details supports the MAIN idea? a) Many people still use natural resources. b) Sailors were the first to use wind power. c) When warm air rises, cooler air moves in to take its place. d) Wind machines are the fastest-growing energy source in the United States. 11) According to the article, why is wind energy more beneficial than natural resources, such as coal, natural gas, and oil? a) Wind is easier to produce. b) It is less expensive to produce wind energy. c) These natural resources can be renewed, but wind energy cannot. d) Wind energy can be renewed, but these other natural resources cannot. 12) How does electricity get to homes from the turbines? a) through posts b) through wires c) through rods d) through blades 13) What can you conclude from the article? a) Fewer cities will make use of wind power. b) Wind machines are becoming more efficient. c) Wind machines are becoming more expensive. d) Scientists are looking for additional forms of renewable energy.


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