The Czech republic lies in Central Europe - it is called the ____ of Europe. Our republic has four neighbour states. In the North it is ____ and in the South Austria. Slovakia is in the ____ and Germany in the ____. The country consists of three main regions: ____, Moravia, Silesia. The largest river is the Elbe. Several huge dams have been built on ____ river for example Lipno, Orlík or Slapy. South Bohemia is known for its large and numerous pods. Freshwater fish are farmed here, especially ____. Also two ____ lakes can be found in CR - Černé and Čertovo in the Šumava Mountains. The highest mountains in the CR are the Giant Mountains, which host the highest czech mountain - ____. In the CR there are many places of interest, such as the gothic Křivoklát ____. Charles IV founded another famous castle ____ as a treasury for the Crown Jewels. It also became the king´s ____ castle. Lány is a renaissance ____, which the Czechoslovak goverment bought for President ____ in 1921 and who was buried there later. Since then the chateau has been the representative residence of Czech presidents.The Head of the CR is the President ( ____), the executive power is in the hands of the Prime Minister (____) and his Cabinet of Ministers. Capital city of the CR is ____ and also the largest city. The second largest city is ____. ____ is the biggest and the most famous of our spas. Other large cities are for example Ostrava, Plzeň, Olomouc etc.




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