1) What hobbie is it? a) Basketball b) Soccer c) Tennis d) Voley 2) What hobbie is it? a) Singing b) Reading c) Playing the guitar d) Listening to music 3) What hobbie is it? a) Playing videogames b) Dancing c) Watching TV d) Shopping 4) What hobbie is it? a) Singing b) Reading c) Painting d) Skateboarding 5) What hobbie is it? a) Skateboarding b) going to the beach c) Listening to music d) Cooking 6) What hobbie is it? a) Shopping b) Dancing c) Playing videogames d) Reading 7) What hobbie is it? a) Shoppping b) Going to the beach c) Playing football d) Running 8) What hobbie is it? a) Listening to music b) Writing a song c) Playing the guitar d) Dancing



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