1) What did you have for luch yesterday? 2) Tell me about a TV programme you watched yesterday. 3) Tell me two irregular verbs in past that begin with the letter 'b' 4) Where did you travel when you were a child? 5) Tell me about a book you read last year 6) Tell me 3 things you did 2 months ago with your friends 7) What did you have for lunch today? 8) Tell me three things you didn´t do when you were 6 years 9) Who did you speak with yesterday through videoconference? About? 10) Tell me about the last thing you bought 11) Speak about what you did yesterday with a family member 12) Tell me the 3 forms of the verbs 'think' and 'go' 13) Speak about the last film you saw in the cinema 14) tell me one sentence in past in af,neg ,inte with the verb 'come' 15) tell me 3 things you did last summer holidays 16) tell me the past simple of the verbs 'swim' and 'drive' 17) Did you have any exams last week? 18) Say a sentence in past with the verb 'give' 19) tell me 3 things that your parents did yesterday 20) Tell me the last thing you wrote to your friend 21) Tell me the last time you went to a concert 22) Tell me the last time you played a sport 23) What was the last time you argued with someone? 24) Tell me the last time you helped someone 25) Tell me about the last time you cooked a meal




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