la alergia - allergy, en antibiótico - antibiotic, la asprina - asprin, la enfermedad - illness, la fiebre - fever, el grado centígrado - degrees (celsius), la gripe - flu, el jarabe - cough syrup, la tos - cough, enfermarse - to get sick, estar resfriado, resfriada - to have a cold, estornudar - to sneeze, tomar la temperatura - to take a temperature, vomitar - to throw up, el corazón - heart, el oído - ear, la garganta - throat, el pecho - chest, agofado, -a - exhausted/worn out, anioso, aniosa - anxious, deprimido/deprimida - depressed, estreado, estresada - stressed out, caerse de sueño - to be exhausted, sleepy, concentrarse - to concentrate, estar de buen/mal humor - to be in a good/bad humor, preocuparse - to worry, sentirse fatal - to feel awful, aconsejar - to advise, aguntar - endure, contener - to contain,

Alain Chen, Pd.4: El Bienstar Matching



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