1) Which of these is an emotion? a) Anger b) Sadness c) Happiness d) All of the above 2) True or False, Self esteem is the only thing that affects emotional health? a) True b) False 3) What is self-esteem? a) the state of being sad b) a mental health disorder c) feeling bad because of something you've done wrong d) a feeling of physical discomfort e) How a person thinks and feels about themselves f) A type of peer pressure 4) Which of these can improve our self esteem? a) Keeping bad relationships b) Not doing exercise c) Recognise what you are good at d) Focus on your flaws 5) True or False, Peer pressure is always a bad thing a) True b) False 6) Which of these can help you to resist peer pressure? a) Be assertive b) Get out of dangerous situations c) Take your time d) All of the above 7) A disease and disorder are the same thing? a) Yes b) No 8) Which of these is a biological factor that can affect mental health? a) Family life b) Relationships with others c) Early trauma in childhood d) Genetics and chemistry of the brain 9) Which of these is an example of a mental health disorder? a) Depression b) Bipolar disorder c) Dementia d) All of the above 10) True or false, A relapse is a return to illness after a period of improvement? a) True b) False


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