1) Can you believe it? Mark ................... never visited a museum! a) has b) have 2) Lisa has ................ this film twice so far. a) saw b) seen 3) Have you finished your project ..................? a) yet b) just 4) We haven’t ................ all the invitations for the party yet. a) send b) sent 5) Bill has ................ his right arm so he can’t do his project. a) broke b) broken 6) Kate has .................. tried Thai food. a) yet b) never 7) Peter and Mary have been married ................... eight years. a) since b) for 8) Have you ..................... sprained your ankle? a) before b) ever 9) Julie hasn’t visited Rome ..................... . a) so far b) just 10) .................... has travelled by plane ten times so far. a) My brother b) My parents 11) Clara has .............. had dinner. a) already b) yet 12) ................... you ever had a pet? a) Did b) Have 13) Nelly and Jim ................... written to us yet. a) hasn't b) haven't 14) Jack has ................... to Egypt but he hasn't come back yet. a) been b) gone 15) Have you used the underground ................. ? a) ever b) before 16) Linda ........ in a cafe for 10 years.  a) has worked b) have worked 17) Jane................ dinner yet. a) hasn't eaten b) hasn't ate 18) Alex has been a doctor .................. 2010. a) for b) since 19) You don't need to get the money. I have ............... got them. a) already b) yet 20) Have you ........... ridden a horse? a) never b) ever 21) I ......... never ......... (fly) in a helicopter. a) have / flown b) have / flew 22) Lindsay has ........ to France. She came back last year. a) gone b) been 23) ......... you finished your homework? a) Have b) Has 24) Jenni has been a vegetarian ........ three years. a) for b) since 25) The movie ....... (begin). Please be quiet ! a) has began b) has begun 26) ...... you ....... her lately? a) Have / seen b) Has / seen 27) I haven't visited my grandparents ............ . I had an accident. a) yet b) just 28) She has ...... come from the hospital.  a) just b) yet 29) My father has ....... watched this movie. a) never b) ever 30) I ........ (lose) my passport so I can't get on the plane. a) have lost b) have left 31) Why has he gone .......? a) just b) already 32) I have ......  in here since I graduated from university.  a) worked b) work 33) I have ....... this book several times. a) read b) readed 34) Tom and Sue ............ (take) the taxi to get there.  a) have taken b) have took 35) They ........... never ............ (buy) a new car. a) have / bought b) have / buyed 36) Have you ....... ........ (play) American football? a) ever played b) never played


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