Protects the internal organs - Functions of the skelton, 7 bones that make up the ankle. - Tarsals, 5 bones – these are the long bones of the foot and support the arches of the feet. - Metatasal, 14 – these are the toes. - Phalanges, Have the ability to shorten or contract - Muscles , Tiny elastic fibres - Muscles are made up of, The tibia - Which is also know as the shin bone., The fibula - Lies next to the tibia and protects the outside of the ankle, Tibialis anterior  - Bends the ankle to pull the foot up to the leg., Base Coat  - Smooth base for enamels to stick to, Strengthener - Used to improve weak or damaged nails., Restricts the way in which a pedicure is carried out - Contra-indication, When a reaction occurs during in or immediatly - Contra-action, Fungal infection - Ringworm of the nail or athletes foot, Bacterial infection - Inflammation, redness and pus occurs in the tissue, Impetigo - Small red blemishes form which start to weep and spread. Honey coloured crusts then form, Effleurage  - Massage movement that starts and finishes a massage, Verruca  - Viral Infection, Excessive Erythema - Redness and warmth to the area. Caused by the blood capillaries dilating which increases blood flow to the skins surface.,

Recap - pedicure



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