suede - a type of soft leather with a surface like velvet on one side, checked - something with a pattern of squared, usually in two colours, trendy - an informal synonym for fashionable or cool, cardigan - an item of clothing similar to a sweater, but with buttons down the front, sleeveless - an adjective that describes a top without arms, hooded - an adjective describing a jacket or sweatshirt that has a part that covers the head, dress up - a phrasal verb that means to put on more formal clothes than you usually wear, fit - a verb that means to be the right shape and size for someone, denim - a strong cotton material that is usually blue and used to make jeans, match - a verb to say a piece of clothing combines well with another, scarf - you wear this around your neck for warmth or decoration, get dressed - a verb that means the same as "put your clothes on", sandals - light, open shoes that are worn in warm weather, tight - an adjective that describes when clothes fit closely to your body, scruffy - a word to describe a person whose hair/clothes/appearance is messy or dirty, wool - the material that comes from a sheep or goat, try on - a phrasal verb - you do this with clothes before buying them, runners - athletic shoes used for sport or walking, hat - you wear this on your hard to protect yourself from the sun, watch - an item on your wrist to tell the time, gloves - these keep your hands warm, socks - they come in pairs and you wear them on your feet, shirt - often white, business men may wear this with a tie, tie - a piece of cloth tied around the neck to look professional, ring - you wear this on your finger when married or as an accessory,

EC I3 M1 2B Clothes and Fashion Crossword


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