survey (v,n) - לסקור - to look at or examine all of something סקר - an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions, accurate - מדויק - correct, exact, and without any mistakes, additional - נוסף - another, more, extra, apparently - ככל הנראה - been told something although you are not certain it is true, approach (v,n) - גישה - a way of considering or doing something לגשת - to come near to something or someone, brief - קצר - lasting only a short time, characteristic - מאפיין, תכונה - a typical or noticeable quality of someone or something, conduct - לערוך - to organize and perform a particular activity, otherwise (adv) - אחרת - differently, or in another way, encounter - לפגוש - meet, environmental - סביבתי - relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition., estimate (v,n) - להעריך - assess, evaluate הערכה - assessment, evaluation, feature - מאפיין, תכונה - a typical quality, fee - שכר, גמול, אגרה - an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work, flow (v,n) - לזרום - to move in one direction זרימה - moving along in a steady continuous stream, Frequency - תדירות - the number of times something happens, frequent - תדיר - happening often, greatly (adv) - במידה מירבית - very much, hopeful, hopefully - מלא תקווה, בתקווה ל... - believing or causing you to believe that something desired will happen, illustrate - להדגים - to show the meaning or truth of something more clearly, especially by giving examples, industry - תעשייה - the people and activities involved in one type of business, intend - מתכוון - have in mind, significant - משמעותי, חשוב - important, Particularly (adv) - במיוחד - especially, Movement - תנועה - a change of position, nevertheless - למרות זאת - yet, however, observe - לצפות - to watch carefully the way something happens, obtain - להשיג, לקבל - to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, occasionally - מדי פעם, לפעמים - sometimes but not often, occur - להתרחש - happen,


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