1) Peter: Hi, Kate. You look nice in your new dress. It really _______ you. Kate: Thanks, Peter. You look smart yourself tonight. a) goes b) matches c) suits 2) Peter: Are you ________ the party? Kate: Yes, I missed everyone during the summer, so it's been nice hearing all their stories. Also, there's a new boy, Paul, starting at our school. a) enjoying b) going c) having 3) Peter: Really? Is he ____ the party? Kate: Yes, I saw him earlier. He's the tall boy with short, fair hair. a) in b) at c) on 4) Peter: Is he wearing a red jumper? Kate: No, that's John. Paul isn't as ________ as John. He's got a grey shirt on. Peter: Ah, ok. I can see him now. I'll go and say hi. a) tall b) taller c) tallest

Znajomość środków językowych - egzamin ósmoklasisty - repetytorium Jane Dooley


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