1) She ... watch news on TV on Mondays. a) doesn’t b) didn’t 2) Mike ... often play volleyball in his free time. a) doesn’t b) didn’t 3) ... you in the airport yesterday? - No, I wasn't. a) Was b) Were 4) Sarah ... at the cinema with her friends yesterday. a) was b) did 5) ... your husband come to the party two days ago? a) Does b) Did 6) ... you always wash the dishes after lunch? a) Do b) Did 7) He ... to school yesterday because he ... sick. a) doesn't go, does b) don't go, is c) didn't go, was 8) I come from Canada. Where you ... from? a) did you come b) do you come 9) Which one is correct? a) Does your little son watch cartoons every evening? b) Did your little son watch cartoons every evening? c) Is your little son watch cartoons every evening? 10) Which one is correct? a) Do you go to the gym last Friday? b) Did you go to the gym last Friday? c) Are you go to the gym last Friday? 11) Which one is correct?  a) Their mum doesn’t go shopping yesterday.   b) Their mum didn’t go shopping yesterday. c) Their mum didn’t shopping yesterday. 12) Which one is correct? a) He often gets up early in the morning. b) He got up often early in the morning. c) He gets up often early in the morning. 13) Which one is correct?  a) Do you the housework this morning? b) Did you do the housework this morning? c) Did you the housework this morning? 14) Which one is correct? a) They was do exercises last Thursday. b) They were do exercises last Thursday. c) They did exercises last Thursday. 15) Which one is correct?  a) What time did the children normally go to bed? b) What time do the children normally go to bed? c) What time normally the children go to bed? 16) Which one is correct? a) Did she go to the concert last weekend? b) Did she to the concert last weekend? c) Does she go to the concert last weekend?


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