Data - Data is information that can be stored and used by a computer program, Information - facts about a situation, person, event, etc, Data Security - Data security means protecting digital data saved on a device, Computer Software - is a set of instructions and tells a computer what to do or how to perform a task, Download - to copy programs or information to a computer, Upload - to copy data from your own device into the memory of another device, E-mail attachment - Is a file sent in an e-mail, Website - A website is a set of data and information about a particular subject which is available on the internet., Hyperlink - A link which when clicked on moves you to a different web page or website on the internet, Computer Virus - A computer virus is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program,and changes how a computer works, Computer Worm - Is a program which spreads to other devices and infects them with a virus, Computer Anti Virus - is a computer program used to stop, find, and remove malware., Hacker - a person who tries to get your data without permission, Backup - Saving a copy on a device like memory stick, Google Drive, Malware - Any computer software that is used to spread a virus or steal data, Encrypt Data - Setting a secret code on your data, Storage Device - Device on which you store your data and information like the hard drive or memory stick,

Data Security



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