1) Correct a) say a lie/the truth b) tell a lie/ the truth c) say against d) say your mind 2) Correct a) say a lie/the truth b) say your mind c) say sorry d) tell in favour of 3) Correct a) speak for yourself b) say a lie/the truth c) say a story d) speak hello/goodbye 4) Correct a) tell a joke b) say well/highly of someone c) say the time d) tell in favour of 5) Correct a) say well/highly of someone b) speak smn a secret c) say a lie/the truth d) speak your mind 6) Correct a) say against b) tell a story c) say for yourself d) speak smn a secret 7) Correct a) speak against b) say well/highly of someone c) tell in favour of d) say your mind 8) Correct a) say the time b) say for yourself c) speak smn a secret d) speak in favour of smth 9) Correct a) speak well/highly of smn b) say for yourself c) tell sorry d) speak hello/goodbye 10) Correct a) say for yourself b) say hello/goodbye c) say your mind d) tell in favour of 11) Correct a) tell the time b) say against c) say well/highly of someone d) say a story 12) Correct a) say your mind b) tell smn a secret c) say against d) say a story 13) Incorrect a) speak well/highly of smn b) say a lie/the truth c) tell a lie/ the truth d) speak your mind 14) Incorrect a) speak for yourself b) say sorry c) tell smn a secret d) tell sorry 15) Incorrect a) speak your mind b) say for yourself c) speak for yourself d) tell a story 16) Incorrect a) say a joke b) say hello/goodbye c) speak well/highly of smn d) speak your mind 17) Incorrect a) tell smn a secret b) tell a lie/ the truth c) say your mind d) speak well/highly of smn 18) Incorrect a) tell a story b) tell a joke c) speak your mind d) say a story 19) Incorrect a) say against b) speak well/highly of smn c) say sorry d) tell a lie/ the truth 20) Incorrect a) tell a joke b) tell the time c) tell in favour of d) speak in favour of smth 21) Incorrect a) say sorry b) tel the time c) tell a lie/ the truth d) say well/highly of someone 22) Incorrect a) speak in favour of smth b) speak hello/goodbye c) tell the time d) speak your mind 23) Incorrect a) tell smn a secret b) say the time c) say hello/goodbye d) tell a lie/ the truth 24) Incorrect a) tell a joke b) say sorry c) speak smn a secret d) tell smn a secret 25) Correct a) say a joke b) tell the difference between c) speak the difference between d) say you mind

Basic colloc with say, speak, tell



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