Why do you think studying abroad is so popular these days?, Is it a good idea for students to have a part time job?, Do people watch a lot of television in your country?, Is it better to use public transport or private vehicles?, Are people's eating habits different to how they were in the past?, How has the internet changed education in your country?, Do you think social media can affect young people's mental health?, Do you think all children should study a language at school?, Do you think men and women communicate differently?, How are elderly people looked after in your country?, Do you think it will become more common to work from home in the future?, What can individuals do to help prevent water pollution?, Do you think that social skills should be taught at school?, What effects do computer games have on teenageers?, Why is it important for teenagers to have good role models?, How does social media influence politics?, Do you think boys and girls learn in the same way?, Do women have equal opportunities in the workplace in your country?, What type of leisure activities do people enjoy in your country?, Some people say social media is a complete waste of time. Do you agree?.

IELTS Speaking part 3 practice questions



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