1) The nose of an elephant is called a a) Trunk b) Matter c) Ornament d) None 2) Which system removes waste products from our bodies a) Circulatory system b) Excretory system c) Nervous system 3) A ______ is a casing that protects the pupa. a) Cocoon b) Shell c) Cushion d) Coral reef 4) Tiny holes in teeth are called a) Cavities b) Depression c) Anxiety d) Fever 5) A _______ habitat is a small area around the pond. a) Field b) Aquatic c) Pond d) Garden 6) The solid ice gains heat and changes into _______ a) Gas b) Smoke c) Gel d) Liquid 7) Which of the following is an example of a vertebrate a) Butterfly b) Snail c) Spider d) Bird 8) Which is the unit of volume a) Cubic meter b) Litre c) Millilitre d) All of the above 9) A mangrove habitat is a) Dry b) Hot c) Chilly d) Cold 10) Snowy owl lives in the _____ a) Arctic habitat b) Garden habitat c) Leaf litter d) Field habitat 11) A frog feeds on a) Plants b) Fungi c) Insects d) Animals 12) Sound ________ through materials. a) Radiates b) Travels c) Melts d) Break 13) Thick woolen jackets keep a) Cold b) Chilly c) Frosty d) Warm 14) _______ is the amount of matter in an object a) Area b) Volume c) Mass d) Density 15) Some animals can blend with the environment, this is called a) Blending b) Mixing c) Camouflage d) Living 16) Freezing is the process of changing a liquid into a) Particles b) Gas c) Solid d) Ashes 17) Materials that allow you to travel through them are good a) Conductors b) Heaters c) Insulators d) All of them 18) All living things grow and eventually _____ a) Die b) Live c) Reproduce d) All of above 19) If the temperature is high, plants and animals lose a) Light b) Food c) Skin d) Water 20) A _______ is an object that attracts or pulls a) Magnet b) Iron c) Stone d) Glass 21) The function of the stem is to a) Attracts insects b) It does not have any function c) Protects plants from being eaten by animals d) Provide the plant with support and carries minerals and water from the roots 22) Different populations living together make a a) Community b) Family c) Society d) Phylum 23) Which of the following is found in a pond habitat? a) Tiger b) Panda c) Fox d) Frog 24) ______ soil contains large air pockets a) Clayey b) Fertile c) Sandy d) Non fertile 25) _______ is anything that has mass and occupies space a) Matter b) Conductor c) Non matter d) Insulator 26) Earthworm ______ sunlight a) Take in b) Avoid c) Absorb d) Attract 27) Which organ controls your body? a) Heart b) Lungs c) Brain d) Kidney 28) When heated chocolate changes into ______ a) Ashes b) Liquid c) Particles d) Gases 29) The blood of patients with haemophilia does not ______ a) Clot b) Grow c) Develop d) Both a and b 30) The amount of space occupied is known as ______ a) Area b) Mass c) Volume d) Matter 31) The frame of bones is called the a) Muscles b) Skull c) Skeleton d) Femur 32) The handle of a frying pan is made up of material which is a ________ conductor a) Good b) Constant c) Fine d) Poor 33) water freezes and changes into ice when it _____ heat a) Gains b) Loses c) Absorbs d) Takes in 34) Which organ is an essential part of the excretory system a) Lungs b) Heart c) Kidney d) Brain 35) The polar bear has fur and fat layer to keep _____ a) Warm b) Dry c) Safe d) Wet 36) A magnet when suspended 3-D will always point in a _________ direction a) North-south b) North-west c) East-west d) South-East 37) Frogs are: a) Amphibians b) Reptiles c) Birds d) Mammals 38) The silk worm is actually a ________, not a worm a) Insect b) Caterpillar c) Butterfly d) None 39) Oxygen is produced as a result of _________ in plants a) Heating b) Burning c) Boiling d) Photosynthesis 40) In the first stage life-cycle, which says shows first ______ a) Egg b) Pupa c) Scales d) Development 41) The nose, windpipe and lungs make up the a) Nervous system? b) Circulatory System c) Excretory system d) Respiratory system 42) Bacteria in the stomach help us to ________ food a) Digest b) Eat? c) Produce d) All of above 43) A magnet is ______ at its poles a) Strongest b) Weakest c) Cheapest d) Lightest 44) Different organs join together to make the a) Brain b) Heart c) Muscles d) Organ system 45) A chick hatches after ______ weeks a) 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6 46) The cockroaches egg is stored in an egg a) Shell b) Case c) Both d) None 47) Heat is the form of _______ a) Light b) Temperatures c) Energy d) Pollution 48) The larva develops into a a) Caterpillar b) Pupa c) Butterfly d) All of above 49) The end of a frog hatches into a little ____ a) Larva b) Tadpole c) Pupa d) All of above 50) Part blood and blood vessels work together to make up there a) Nervous system? b) Circulatory System c) Excretory system d) None of the above 51) The mangrove trees have roots _____ the surface a) Above b) Beneath c) Below d) None 52) _______ are passed from parents to young a) Genes b) Food c) Dresses d) Marbles 53) Solids have a _____ shape a) Definite b) Triangular c) Square d) None 54) The unit of force is a) Newton b) Meter c) Kilometer d) Centimeter 55) Sounds are made when an object ______ a) Shines b) Burns c) Vibrates d) Glows 56) The polystyrene cup keeps coffee _____ a) Cold b) Chilly c) Hot d) Icy 57) Which, among the following is a flightless bird a) Pigeon b) Hen c) Duck d) Ostrich 58) Which is not an inherited trait? a) Height b) Intelligence c) Skin type d) Length of hair 59) Which is a nonliving factor of a habitat a) Plants b) Animals c) Insects d) Light 60) Our bodies get energy from a) Undigested food b) Digested food c) Raw food d) All of above 61) The larva of a mosquito is called what is a a) Pupa b) Wriggler c) Caterpillar d) None 62) Breathing is part of a) Circulation b) Respiration c) Digestion d) None of the above 63) The female mosquito sucks a) Water b) Juice c) Blood d) Coke 64) Plants, breathe through a) Lungs b) Gills c) Stomata d) Fins 65) Paper turns into _______ when heated a) Ash b) Particles c) Atoms d) Cells 66) Exhale air has more off … a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen d) None 67) Water turns into _______ at very low temperatures a) Ice b) Juice c) Flakes d) Chunks 68) Which part of the plan provides minerals and water to the plant? a) Roots b) Flower c) Seed d) Leaves 69) Breathing out of air is called a) Exhalation b) Inhalation c) Drinking d) Pouring 70) When a liquid in a perfume and sprayed it changes into … a) Gas b) Smoke c) Water d) Dust 71) The adult emerges from ______ a) Pupa b) Larva c) Adult d) Mealworm 72) Animals _______ by laying eggs or giving birth to young life a) Reproduce b) Digest c) Excrete d) Respire 73) Messages are sent to all parts of the body bye a) Nerves b) Blood c) Veins d) All of above 74) The larva of a butterfly is called a) Caterpillar b) Adult c) Cocoon d) Egg tooth 75) Which of these is non-matter a) Heat b) Chair c) Car d) Air 76) Fish move with the help of a) Fins b) Legs c) Gills d) Arms 77) Solids liquids and gases are states of _____ a) Conductor b) Matter c) Insulator d) Particles 78) A plant grows from a ______ a) Root b) Stem c) Fruit d) Seed 79) What helps you smell? I don’t know. a) Nose b) Eyes c) Lips d) None 80) How far can live on both land, and ______ a) Water b) Mud c) Soil d) None 81) The young develop in eggs until they are ready to be ______ a) Hatched b) Shown c) Broken d) Delivered 82) ________ can live in total darkness. a) Cata b) Bats c) Dogs d) Lizards 83) Our skin is a habitat to some ____ a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Ticks d) All of above 84) Which type of air is good to breathe a) Fresh b) Stale c) Polluted d) Impure 85) The heart is a part of the a) Respiratory system b) digestive system c) excretory system d) none of the above 86) Sunflower grows well, in places having more _____ a) Acidity b) alkalinity c) pollution d) Sunlight 87) Carbon dioxide goes to the lungs through: a) Water b) Blood c) Air d) None 88) Hi, Arlo of the sound is termed as a) Noise b) Pitch c) sound d) Vibration 89) This organ pumps blood to all parts of the body a) Kidney b) Heart c) Veins d) Brain 90) Which of the following is a nonliving thing? a) Woman b) Chair c) Dog d) Sparrow 91) The freezing point of ice is ____ degrees celcius a) 1 b) 0 c) 6 d) 7 92) The _________ grows inside the egg until fully developed a) Adult b) Pupa c) Larva d) Young 93) Which to Poles will attract each other a) Like poles b) Unlike poles c) Opposite d) Both b and c 94) The stomach is part of a _____ a) Respiratory system b) Excretory system c) Circulatory d) Digestive system 95) Most tadpoles feed on _____ a) Soil b) Water c) Water plants d) Insects 96) ______ is the group of same kind of organisms that live together a) Community b) Friends c) Population d) Family 97) Matter has a _____ and occupies space a) Volume b) Area c) Mass d) Stuff 98) Living things are called ____ a) Chemicals b) Susbstance c) Stuff d) Organisms 99) A magnet can exert a ________ force from a distance a) Non magnetic b) Heating c) Magnetic d) Light 100) Which soft organs are found in pairs a) Stomach b) Heart c) Lungs d) Liver

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