Chloroplast - The site of photosynthesis, Mitochondrion - The site of respiration, Nucleus - The control center and genetic store of the cell, Nucleolus - The site of ribosome production, Cell/plasma membrane - The barrier that controls the entry & exit of molecules from a cell, Cell wall - A rigid structure that helps maintain cell shape & is made of cellulose, Centrioles - A bundle of tubules that help polarise chromosomal movement in cell division, Vacuole - A fluid-filled organelle that helps maintain cell turgidity, Chromosome - DNA-histone containing structure, Flagellum - A long whip like structure that propels some unicellular organisms, Cilia - Numerous short hairs that beat in time help a unicell to, Golgi - Packages secretions modifies proteins & moves them to the cell exterior,

Y10 Science Genetics Glossary



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