when the voted to ratify the Treaty - 7 January 1922, article of the Treaty that provided for the oath of allegiance - article 4, institution that represented the Crown in the Free State - governor general, first governor general - Tim Healy, second governor general, was snubbed during the Eucharistic Congress - James MacNeill, term that came to replace 'the Empire' - the Commonwealth, South Africans of Dutch descent - Boers, year that the Free State joined the League of Nations - 1923, minister for foreign affairs in CnaG government - Desmond Fitzgerald, article of the Treaty that provided for a boundary commission - 12, Free State's appointee to the Boundary Commission - Eoin MacNeill, chairman of the Boundary Commission - Justice Feetham, represented N.I on the Boundary Commission - JR Fisher, year when the Boundary Commission report was completed - 1925, article of the Treaty that dealt with debt and pensions - 5, CnaG minister for finance - Ernest Blythe, Blythe and Churchill agreed an Ultimate Financial Agreement in what year? - 1926, how often did Imperial Conferences meet? - every 2 years, where were the Imperial Conferences held? - London, Who attended the Imperial Conferences on behalf of the CnaG government? - Kevin O'Higgins, Desmond Fitzgerald, which 2 countries did the Free State work closely with at Imperial Conferences? - South Africa & Canada, who chaired the 1926 Imperial Conference? - Arthur Balfour, why was the 1926 Imperial Conference very significant? - established the principle of co-equality within the Commonwealth, why was the 1930 Imperial Conference so significant? - it laid the groundwork for the Statute of Westminster, When was the Statute of Westminster passed? - 1931, which British politician opposed the Statute of Westminster? - Winston Churchill, why was the Statute of Westminster so significant for the Free State? - it would now be possible for the Dáil to repeal any existing legislation. Basically meant full independence, term used to denigrate someone in Ireland who wasn't seen as genuinely nationalist - West Brit, De Valera's priority on gaining power - to dismantle the Treaty, to assert Irish sovereignty and independence, minister for foreign affairs in the FF government - De Valera, when FF first came to power - March 1932, De Valera described the oath as.. - a relic of medievalism/an empty formula, institution that objected to Dev's effort to remove the oath - the Senate, 2 FF ministers who deliberately snubbed the governor general at an event during the E.C - Frank Aiken, Seán T O'Kelly, he replaced MacNeill as governor general - Domhnall O Buachalla, highest court of appeal until the Constitution Bill - the Privy Council, year when De Valera introduced his Constitution Bill - 1936, money owed arising from the Land Acts - land annuities, once Dev withheld the land annuities, how did the British government respond? - imposed 20% duty on Irish agricultural imports, when was the Anglo-Irish Agreement that ended the economic war signed? - 1938, British P.M who was keen to establish friendly relations with Ireland as Hitler loomed large on the horizon - Neville Chamberlain, name the 3 treaty ports - Cobh, Berehaven, Lough Swilly, article of the Treaty that gave ports to the British Navy - 7, when Bunracht na hEireann became the constitution - 1937, When did the Free State end? - 1937, the new constitution, it became 'Ireland' or 'Eire', articles of the constitution that laid claim to N.I - articles 2 & 3,

Anglo Irish relations 1922-1939



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