Archaebacteria: Has cell walls with no peptidoglycan, Lives in very hot, acidic, salty or anaerobic environments, Sulfolobus sp., Halobacterium salinarum, Methanogen: Produces methane as a metabolic byproduct., Halophile: Found in places with extremely high salt concentration, Thermophile: Bacteria that can withstand high temperatures, Eubacteria: Has cell walls with made up of peptidoglycan, Cytoplasm contains ribosome and plasmids, Autotroph or heterotroph, “true” bacteria that are classified according to their shape, Unicellular organism (form colonies), Streptococcus pneumoniae, Vibrio cholerae, Protista: Protozoa, Algae, Slime mould, simple cell organisation without specialised tissue, Euglena sp., Chlamydomonas sp., Physarum polycephalum, Fungi: saprophytes or parasites, Their cell wall is made up of chitin, Made up of a thread-like network of hyphae (mycelium), Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Agaricus sp., Plantae: All multicellular plants, Undergo sexual or asexual reproduction, Coleus blumei (coleus), Can do photosynthesis, have chlorophyll, Animalia: Undergo sexual reproduction only, Most can move, Elephas maximusHeterotroph, Asterias sp.,

Classification of Organisms


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