1) What will happen to the distance between two objects if the gravity between them increase? a) decreases   b) increases   c) neutralizes   d) stabilizes 2) What will happen without air resistance? a) Objects will float. b) Objects disappear. c) Objects fall at the same rate. d) Objects move in a zigzag manner. 3) Which of these will have the strongest gravitational pull on Earth? a) baby   b) elephant  c) drinking glass   d) half sack of rice 4) Why is it difficult for us to go up in a mountain than go down? a) We are skipping time.  b) We are pulled by the wind.  c) We are moving against gravity.   d) We are moving towards gravity. 5) Which of the following statements does NOT tell about the effects of  gravitational force on objects? a) Gravitational force pushes the objects upward.  b) The farther you are from earth, the lesser your weight. c) Gravitational force is greater when the objects are closer together.  d) The more distant the body from the earth, the lesser is the gravitational force of attraction 6) What force occurs when one object rubs against another object? a) Buoyant   b) Friction   c) Gravity   d) Magnetic 7) Which picture shows a static type of friction? a) b) c) d) 8) Which surface provides LEAST friction? a) Tiled floor   b) Wood floor  c) Grass land   d) Sandy road 9) How are we going to stop a moving vehicle? a) Do nothing to increase the friction.  b) Press the brake pedal to increase friction.  c) Release the brake pedal to increase friction.  d) Look at the brake pedal to increase friction. 10) Which bike will run faster? a) Mountain bike because it has no brake.  b) Mountain bike because it is heavy and durable.  c) Road bike because it has wide tire and lots of grips  d) Road bike because it has light weight, small thin tires and more aerodynamic. 11) What is the direction towards which objects on Earth are pulled by the Earth? a) back b) center   c) front d) side 12) In order to jump, what force do we need to overcome? a) friction b) gravity   c) mass d) wind 13) Which will happen if a ball is thrown upward? a) The ball remains in the air.  b) The ball moves in a curve path.  c) The ball will go back to the ground.  d) The ball continues to move upward. 14) Which of the following keeps all objects on the ground? a) acceleration b) friction c) gravity d) inertia 15) Which characteristic of an object affects its gravity? a) color b) mass c) position d) shape 16) Who discovered gravity when he saw an apple falling to the ground? a) Albert Einstein b) Galileo Galilei c) Isaac Newton d) Nicholas Copernicus 17) Stored energy in water behind a dam falls and changes into mechanical energy that turns a turbine that turns coils in a generator that produces electrical energy. What is this? a) Nuclear Power Plant  b) Fossil Fuel Power Plant c) Hydroelectric Power Plant  d) Non-renewable Power Plant 18) Which is an advantage of installing solar panels? a) High cost to install. . b) Number of cloudy days. c) Reduced amount of air pollution. d) Use of non-renewable resources. 19) Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear, Coal - What do these items have in common? a) They are examples of renewable energy resources.  b) They are examples of inexhaustible energy resources. c) They are examples of non-renewable energy resources. d) They are examples of energy resources that do not cause pollution. 20) Why is the Sun considered the ultimate energy source? a) The Sun is the center of our solar system.  b) The Sun rises and sets each day as seen from Earth. c) The Sun provides energy for the water cycle and plants.  d) The Sun is limited in the amount of energy released daily. 21) What do you call the renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals? a) A. Biomass b) B. Geothermal c) C. Hydropower d) D. Natural gas 22) What is the energy in the rays from the sun called? a) Hydropower b) Ray power c) Solar power d) Wind power 23) What is the heat energy coming from inside the earth? a) A. Geothermal b) B. Natural gas c) C. Petroleum d) D. Terrathermal 24) What do you call a black rock burned to make electricity? a) Coal b) Natural Gas c) Obsidian d) Petroleum 25) Which of the following energy resources is non-renewable? a) Biomass b) Fossil Fuel c) Geothermal d) Hydropower 26) Which of the following is a disadvantage of solar energy? a) It is a nonrenewable energy source b) It produces greenhouse gases during use c) It is inexpensive compared to other sources d) It can only be used effectively in certain regions and certain times of day 27) Which of the following sentences describes sound energy? a) It is a form of energy possessed by moving object. b) It’s a form of energy produced by moving electrons.  c) It is an energy produced by vibrating bodies or objects.  d) It’s a form of energy present in everybody due to the motion of molecules. 28) Which of the following sentences describes light energy? a) It is an energy stored in plants.  b) It’s a form energy travel through space. c) It is a form of energy possessed by moving object  d) It’s a form of energy produced by moving electrons. 29) Which of the following does the sun do as the main source of light or radiant energy? a) Keeps everything visible. b) Makes things on earth cold.   c) Sees to it that everything is dark.   d) Keeps everything on earth frozen. 30) Which of the following sentences does NOT describe heat energy? a) Is keeps the surrounding warm. b) It’s a form of energy produced by moving electrons.  c) It is an energy an object has because of the movement of its molecules.  d) It’s a form of energy present in everybody due to the motion of molecules. 31) What is the proper sequence for transformation of energy of a car? a) mechanical to heat to chemical b) chemical to mechanical to heat c) chemical to mechanical to sound d) chemical to electrical to mechanical 32) When you light the wood to burn, what kind of energy transformation occurs? a) heat   b) light  c) vacuum d) work 33) As our body perform processes like digestion, respiration, and circulation. Our processes are powered by chemical energy stored in our body, which is then transformed into what form of energy? a) heat  b) light  c) mechanical  d) sound 34) Which is not a function of a simple machine? a) Makes doing work easier. b) Changes the direction of a force. c) Makes work longer and difficult. d) Increases the distance over which a force can be applied. 35) Which simple machine consists of sloping surface that reduces the amount of force needed to lift something? a) Lever b) Pulley  c) Inclined Plane d) Wheel and Axle 36) What simple machine is shown in the picture? a) Lever b) Pulley c) Screw  d) Wedge 37) Which simple machine allows you to gain mechanical advantage in moving object or in applying a force to an object? a) Lever b) Pulley c) Screw  d) Wedge 38) Which does not belong to the group? a) Crank of a paper sharpener b) Door knob c) Meat Grinder d) Spoon 39) Which of the following is NOT the function of wheel and axle? a) It multiplies force if the effort is applied at the wheel b) It multiplies force if the resistance is applied at the axle. c) It multiplies distance or speed if the effort and resistance are applied the other way around. d) It multiplies force if the resistance is applied at the wheel and the effort is applied at the axle. 40) The following show proper precautionary measures in using simple machines  EXCEPT one. Which one is it? a) Use the right type of simple machine for the right job. b) Simple machines that are sharp should be handled with care. c) Secure pulleys properly and make sure that it is tightly tied on the support. d) Expose knife, scissors and other sharp objects in a place easily reached by children. 41) Which is the correct way of handling simple machines? a) downward b) eastward c) sideward d) upward 42) Who among the four children demonstrates the proper way of handling simple machines? a) Xavier uses simple machines with exposed wires. b) Teody always sure that any tool is in good condition before using it. c) Haydee plays with her friends in a place where heavy loads are being lifted by pulleys. d) After using simple machines like scissors, cutter and knife, Irish leaves those on stairways. 43) The diagram shows a worker lifting a rock. How can a worker move the large rock easily? I. The worker applies a larger effort. II. The small stone is placed nearer to the large rock. III. The small stone is replaced by another stone of a smaller size. a) III only b) I and II only c) II and III only d) I,II and III 44) Which is a type of pulley? a) Tack and Sing b) Block and Attack c) Movable and Pull d) Block and Tackle 45) Which of the pulley systems has the greatest mechanical advantage? a) b) c) d) 46) Which of the following statements is true for Figure 1. a) B – is the fulcrum, C- is the resistance, A – is the effort b) B – is the resistance, C – is the fulcrum, A – is the effort c) B – is the fulcrum, A – is the effort, C- is the resistance d) B – is the resistance, A – is the fulcrum, C – is the effort 47) A wheelbarrow is a compound machine. It is made up of more than one simple machine. What type of simple machine are the handles of the wheelbarrow? a) lever b) pulley c) wedge d) wheel and axle 48) What should you do to reduce the amount of effort needed to lift something using a first class lever? a) Move the fulcrum at the edge. b) Move the fulcrum closer to the load. c) Move the fulcrum closer to the effort. d) Move the fulcrum to the middle of the lever. 49) When riding uphill on a bike, to make the work easier, you should use which gear? a) low gear b) high gear c) large gear d) medium gear 50) Which is an example of someone using a simple machine to do work? a) a girl eats a sandwich b) a banker counts money c) a boy runs across a football field d) a mother pushes a stroller up a ramp

Q3 Science 6


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