Supplier - a person or company that provides goods or services to another entity., An administrator - an individual who is responsible for overseeing and managing the operations of a business, organization, or system., Invoices - documents issued by a seller to a buyer that itemize the products or services provided, their costs, and payment terms. , Sick leave - a type of paid time off granted to employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury. It allows employees to take time off work to recover without losing their regular pay., Human resources - a department within an organization that is responsible for managing employee-related matters such as recruitment, training, compensation, benefits, performance evaluation, and employee relations., Recruitment - process of identifying, attracting, and hiring qualified candidates for job openings within an organization. It involves sourcing candidates, screening resumes, conducting interviews, and selecting the best fit for the position., Finance department - a division within a company or organization responsible for managing financial activities such as budgeting, financial reporting, investments, and financial planning., Vacancy - an unfilled position or job opening within an organization that is available for someone to be hired or appointed to., Hectic - a situation that is very busy, fast-paced, chaotic, or demanding. It implies a high level of activity or intensity that can be overwhelming or stressful., Personnel - employees or staff members working within an organization. It encompasses all individuals employed by the company and includes both full-time and part-time workers., Bonus - an additional payment or reward given to the employees on top of their regular salary as an incentive for achieving specific goals, performance targets, or as a recognition of exceptional work., Supervisor - an individual in a position of authority who oversees and directs the work of other employees within an organization., Intern - a student or trainee who works in a temporary position at a company to gain practical experience in a particular field. , Promotion - the advancement of an employee within an organization to a higher-level position with increased responsibilities, authority, and often higher pay., Tedious - something that is boring, monotonous, repetitive, or tiresome. It refers to tasks or activities that lack excitement or interest and require sustained effort over time., Minimum wage - the lowest hourly rate that employers are legally required to pay their employees., Resume - a document used by job seekers to present their work experience, education, skills, and accomplishments to potential employers., Placement - the process of assigning employees to specific roles or positions within an organization based on their qualifications, skills, experience, and organizational needs. It involves matching individuals with suitable job opportunities.,




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