1) What is the name of the angel that appeared to Mary? a) Peter b) Sam c) Gabriel 2) Where was the Messiah prophesied to be born? a) Bethlehem b) Nazareth c) Jerusalem 3) What did the shepherds do when they found Baby Jesus in the stable? a) They ran away in fear. b) They fell to their knees and worshiped Him. c) They asked for gifts from the baby. 4) What does the name "Jesus" mean? a) God the Son b) Salvation c) Jehovah 5) What happens when you spend time reading the Bible each day? a) You become less like Jesus. b) You become more like Jesus. c) You become indifferent to Jesus. 6) What was the name of the place where Adam and Eve lived? a) The Earth's Surface b) The Garden of Eden c) The Beautiful Creation 7) What was the one rule in the Garden of Eden? a) a. Do not talk to the serpent. b) b. Do not pick the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. c) c. Do not eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. 8) What was the tree in the middle of the garden called? a) a. the tree of the knowledge of good and evil b) b. the tree of God who is all powerful c) c. the tree of sin 9) Who won the war in heaven? a) a. Jesus and His angels b) b. Lucifer and His angels. c) a. Adam and Eve 10) What is the result of disobedience? a) a. abundant life b) b. riches and honor c) c. unhappiness 11) A good man chosen by God to build an ark. a) Noah b) Shem c) Ham 12) What does the Bible particularly in Luke 21:28 encourage believers to do when they see these signs coming to pass? a) Hide in fear b) Lift up their heads c) runaway 13) What shall we do to be ready to meet Jesus? a) Play video games all the time b) Pray every day and be kind to others c) Watch TV all day 14) What does the Bible tell us about the timing of Jesus' return? a) It will be in the distant future b) It will be soon c) It will be in the past 15) Which of the following is/are the signs of Jesus’ soon coming? a) wars b) earthquakes c) both a and b 16) Who was the king of Babylon who had a famous dream? a) Nebuchadnezzar b) Cyrus c) Darius 17) What happened to the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream? a) It was destroyed by a flood b) It was struck by lightning c) A stone destroyed it 18) What did the stone in Nebuchadnezzar's dream represent? a) a. The kingdom of Israel b) b. Jesus Christ/God's Kingdom c) c. Daniel 19) According to the interpretation, which kingdom did the head of gold represent? a) Babylon b) Persia c) Greece 20) What is the main lesson to be learned from God's response to Daniel's prayers? a) God favors certain individuals over others b) God does not answer prayers c) God answers prayers, demonstrating His faithfulness

Jesus Questions


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