Hello, Mr. Ms. U.Czen. Please, have a seat. How can I help you today?, "Hi Dr.Google. Thank you for seeing me. I've been feeling not very well for the past few days., I've got tempreture and I feel kind of dizzy with a runny nose and I've been coughing a lot lately., I see. Can you tell me a little more about your symptoms? When did they start? Are there any other symptoms you've been experiencing?", Sure. They started about three days ago. I also feel a little nauseous and my nose is completely blocked, so it's hard to breathe., Do you have any allergies or any medications you're currently taking?, Let me take your temperature and blood pressure. And please open your mouth wide and I will look down your throat., Based on what you've described, it sounds like you might have a cold or a flu. , Would you like me to do a quick blood test to be more certain?", The results of the test confirm that you have a cold. It's a fairly common condition, and there are effective treatments available., "I recommend staying in bed, taking aspirin, using decongestant for runny nose and some lozenges for sore throat. Are you comfortable with that approach?, Yes, that sounds alright. Will it have any side effects?, Common side effects: Nausea and vomiting: This can be especially common with oral decongestants, Trouble sleeping (insomnia): Decongestants can be stimulating, making it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep., Dry mouth: Decongestants can dry out the mucous membranes, including those in the mouth., However, we can monitor those and adjust the treatment if needed., I'll also prescribe you some moisturizer and syrup to help alleviate the symptoms., Okay, great. Is there anything else I can do to feel better?", Absolutely. I recommend drinking a lot of water and have a lot of rest. Do you have any questions for me today?, No, I think that covers everything for now. Thank you for your time, Dr., You're welcome, Mr./Ms U.Czen. Don't hesitate to call if your symptoms worsen or if you have any questions. I'll also give you a follow-up appointment next week to check your progress..


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