a quantity of something , e.g. money (mennyiség, összeg) - amount, Felpróbálhatom? - Can I try it on?, the person who buys something - customer, the place in a shop where customers can pay - cash desk, the amount that is left over from the amount (visszajáró) - change, an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something (kedvezmény) - discount, much smaller / bigger than normal - extra small / large (XS, XL), the places where customers can try clothes on - fitting room, used to ask the price of something (Mennyibe kerül?) - How much does it cost? / How much is it?, used to say that you've decided to buy something (Megveszem.) - I'll take it. , the way the customer pays, e.g. cash, credit card, etc. - payment method, it shows you've paid for something - receipt, somebody who works in a shop and help customers - shop assistant, fitting the body very closely  - tight, used to ask a customer how big or small the clothes that they wear are - What size are you?,

Full Blast 2: 7c - Let's go shopping!_Vocabulary


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