Correct: Ethnicity is a group that shares common cultural traits, such as language, Nationalism the extreme devotion to a country, lack of questioning state authority, Assimilation is adopting new cultural practices from a dominate culture group, A transportation corridor is an area of land that includes lines of transportation live railroads, highways and canas, A peninsulais a piece of land that is connected to a mainland and is surrounded on 3 sides by water, A standard of living refers to the wealth and purchasing power of a particular grou, Literacy is the ability to read and write, Monumental architecture is large, man-made structures created for the public to remember a person or event, Incorrect: Ethnicity is people who live in the same city, Nationalism is devotion to your family, Assimilation is keeping to your own culture and not sharing anything, A transportation corridor means only trains, Literacy means you aren't able to read or write., A peninsula is the same thing as a hill.,

6th grade Unit 4 Vocab TEKS 2020



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