Questions Conversation
Primeri iz naše skupnosti
Za "questions conversation" je na voljo toliko rezultatov: 10.000+
Life goals (conversation topics)
Odpri polje
Meeting people (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
Behavior (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
Feelings and emotions (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
Proverbs (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
School (conversation topics)
Odpri polje
Preferences (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
Food (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
TV and ads (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
Languages (conversation topics)
Naključno kolo
Finish the short story (Past Simple)
Odpri polje
Clothes and fashion (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
Culture (conversation topics)
Odpri polje
Online reality (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
Entertainment (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
Jobs and occupation (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
Teamwork (conversation topics)
Odpri polje
Bucket list (conversation topics)
Flash karte
MU - opis obrazka + pytania
Flash karte
Ecology (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
conversation questions
Naključne karte
The weirdest job interview questions (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
Beliefs (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
Disabilities (conversation topics)
Flash karte
Video games (conversation topics)
Naključne karte
Travel (conversation topics)
Odpri polje
Shopping and services (conversation topics)
Naključno kolo
Friends (conversation topics)
Odpri polje
How would our world be different, if ..? (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
Health (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
Famous people (conversation topics)
Odpri polje
Paranormal phenomena (conversation topics)
Flash karte
Conversation starters A1_A2
Naključne karte
Placement test | B1 | Adults
Naključne karte
Question words
Igralni kviz
summer holiday conversation questions
Naključno kolo
Animals (conversation topics)
Odpri polje
B2 Conversation questions
Naključno kolo
New Horizons - B1 - Conversation - Lesson 37 - Introduction
Izpolnite stavek
The Notebook (photo description + questions)
Flash karte
Shrek (photo description + questions)
Flash karte
New Horizons - B1 - Grammar - Lesson 23 - Practice 4
Obračanje ploščic
A2 Conversation Questions
Naključno kolo
Past simple & present perfect conversation questions
Naključno kolo
Crime and punishment (conversation questions)
Obračanje ploščic
Naključno kolo
Dreams and wishes (conversation topics)
Obračanje ploščic
Habits (conversation topics)
Naključno kolo
New Horizons - B1+ - Conversation - Lesson 18 - Practice 1
Obračanje ploščic
Naključne karte
Wh - question (w zdaniach)
Izpolnite stavek
Me, myself & I (conversation topics)
Naključne karte