1) I have bought all the books for school. 2) Mary is picking raspberries in the garden. 3) The kids have eaten all the ice-creams. 4) The dog has given the cat a bone. 5) You can always find the solution 6) Jack is going to give her book to Lara. 7) Last night Jack was cooking while I was preparing a cake. 8) We have sold our house.  9) The secretary prints the tasks every day. 10) Peter has spoiled the dinner. 11) Laura might sell her house soon. 12) The president is giving a speech. 13) I’m going to paint a beautiful picture for you. 14) Someone burgled my house while I was away. 15) He started to leave before they had given him the directions. 16) I went to the showroom but was informed that they had sold all the houses. 17) They were still building the hotel when we stayed there. 18) They sent my son home from school for being cheeky to the teachers. 19) My doctor prescribed me some medicine for my cough. 20) They haven't finished fixing my car yet. They're so slow! 21) I visited my home town last year, only to find that they'd demolished the house I'd grown up in. 22) Larry has repaired the radio. 23) Kathy has told Peter the truth.

PASSIVE (Make the active sentences passive!)

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