The wealthy class of citizens who ruled Rome were called ____. Men wore a long white robe called a ____ and women wore a long dress called a ____. Patricians lived in a large town house called a ____. The domus had a walled garden called a ____ and an open courtyard called an ____. Floors were decorated with pictures made with pieces of coloured stone or glass called ____. ____ were painted on wet plaster to decorate walls. Some patricians had a large country residence called a ____. The poorer class of citizens in Rome were called ____. Plebeian men wore a short loose garment called a ____ and women wore a plain long dress called a ____ or palla. Plebeians lived in apartment blocks called ____. Patricians and plebeians were ____ of Rome which means they had certain rights. ____ were owned by patricians and had no rights and they were not citizens. Slaves were sometimes granted their freedom in a special ceremony called a ____.

People in ancient Rome


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