True: Tobacco is the only legal product which will kill half the people who use it, Tobacco increases your chances of dying, Smoking 1 cigarette a day takes 11 minutes off your life, The average smoker spends £3,300 a year, China consumes 30% of the world's cigarettes, Greece has the most smokers in the EU, Smoking can cause acne, Over 80% of people in the UK do not smoke, Around 207,000 children in the UK start smoking each year, Tobacco production causes deforestation, Young people who vape are more likely to smoke cigarettes, False: Most people start smoking after the age of 25, Smokers are cool, The average smoker spends £600 , Tobacco is advertised on TV, No one in Russia smokes, Worldwide more women than men smoke, Smoking increases your chances of having a baby, 100Children a year start smoking in the UK, e-cigarettes do not have nicotine, Cigarettes do not make your clothes smell, Cigarette packs do not need to have health warnings,



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