Viscosity - A measure of the resistance of a liquid to flow, which is affected by the size and shape of particles, and generally increases as the temperature decreases and as intermolecular forces increase., Vaporization - The energy-requiring process by which a liquid changes to a gas or vapor., Unit Cell - The smallest arrangement of connected points that can be repeated in three directions to form a crystal lattice., Triple Point - The point on a phase diagram representing the temperature and pressure at which the three phases of a substance (solid, liquid, and gas) can coexist., Temperature - A measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter., Surface Tension - The energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid by a given amount; results from an uneven distribution of attractive forces., Sublimation - The energy-requiring process by which a solid changes directly to a gas without first becoming a liquid, States of Matter - The physical forms in which all matter naturally exists on Earth—most commonly as a solid, a liquid, or a gas, Pressure - Force applied per unit area., Phase Diagram - A graph of pressure versus temperature that shows which phase a substance exists in under different conditions of temperature and pressure, Melting Point - For a crystalline solid, the temperature at which the forces holding a crystal lattice together are broken and it becomes a liquid, Kinetic Molecular Theory - Explains the properties of gases in terms of the energy, size, and motion of their particles., Gas - A form of matter that flows to conform to the shape of its container, fills the container’s entire volume, and is easily compressed., Liquid - A form of matter that flows, has constant volume, and takes the shape of its container, Solid - A form of matter that has its own definite shape and volume, is incompressible, and expands only slightly when heated, Freezing Point - The temperature at which a liquid is converted into a crystalline solid, Deposition - The energy-releasing process by which a substance changes from a gas or vapor to a solid without first becoming a liquid., Crystalline Solid - A solid whose atoms, ions, or molecules are arranged in an orderly, geometric, three-dimensional structure; can be classified by shape and by composition., Condensation - The energy-releasing process by which a gas or vapor becomes a liquid., Boiling Point - The temperature at which a liquid’s vapor pressure is equal to the external or atmospheric pressure.,

States of Matter and Phase Diagram Vocabulary Review


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