1) I've lost the book ______ you lent me. a) that b) , that c) which d) , which 2) How can I contact those men _____ helped you to move house? a) who b) that c) which d) --- 3) DEFINING relative clauses are used to give essential information about a noun. a) True b) False 4) We can omit a DEFINING relative clause and still understand the context. a) True b) False 5) We can use THAT to replace WHO and WHICH in both defining and non-defining relative clauses. a) True b) False 6) We can use THAT to replace any relative pronoun in defining relative clauses. a) True b) False 7) We can sometimes omit the relative pronoun. a) True b) False 8) We use WHOSE and WHICHES for possession. a) True b) False 9) They've decided to move house, _____ I think is a great idea. a) that b) where c) what d) which 10) The teacher keeps giving us lots of homework, which I find totally unfair. a) WHICH => WHAT b) WHICH = homework c) WHICH = The teacher keeps giving us lots of homework d) ..... homework which ..... (no comma) 11) That isn't the woman I was talking about. a) Correct b) Incorrect 12) Is that the woman helped you? a) Correct b) Incorrect 13) That's the house my Dad was born. a) Correct b) Incorrect 14) That's the house in that my Dad was born. a) Correct b) Incorrect 15) That's the house in which my Dad was born. a) Correct b) Incorrect 16) That's the house my Dad was born in. a) Correct b) Incorrect 17) NON-DEFINING relative clauses give us extra information about the noun. a) True b) False 18) DEFINING relative clauses use commas, while NON-DEFINING don't. a) True b) False 19) The boy's parents, that were very concerned, called the police. a) Correct b) Incorrect 20) The city library, _____ many residents use regularly, is closing next month. a) that b) -- c) which d) where

Relative clauses - choose the correct answer(s). There might be more than one!


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