Habits, states and general information. - (She works in Nestlé) Present simple , Current activities; activities at the moment.  - (We are drinking tea) Present continuous , Action that started and finished in the past. - (They didn't come) Past simple, Experiences; action that started in the past and might continue now. - (He's lived there for years) Present perfect, Action that happend in a period of time; action that was interrupted by another. - (You were eating when I arrived) Past continuous, The past of past; an action that precedes another in the past.  - (I had learnt to cook before I started college) Past perfect, Promises, predictions based on evidence, decisions made at the moment.  - (I will be there on time) Future simple , Stablished plans - (I'm eating with my family next week) Present continuous as future form, Intentions, predictions bases on experience, plans. - (She is going to quit her job) Going to, The past of future; an action that happens before a point in the future.  - (I will have finished my PhD before I'm 40) Future perfect, Habits of the past that don't happen in the present. - (I used to live in Santiago; I would go to the square every afternoon) Used to/Would,

Review of tenses


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