When was the last time you found yourself thinking "I can have the best of both worlds"(=a situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of two very different things at the same time)?, How would you feel if you had not been able to pass an exam with flying colours despite having studied hard? Would you be able to bounce back easily?, Do you think that independence and autonomy go hand in hand with responsibility?, Now that we are back to in-person lessons do you feel that coming to school has got you on track (= making progress and likely to succeed) in life?, What challenges did starting secondary school present you with ?, Do you feel you have to do out of school activities to fulfill your potential?, What goals have you set yourself this year? How likely is it that you will accomplish them?, Do you allow homework to occupy most of your free time? Have you been able to strike a balance between school duties and leisure time?, Who has encouraged you to pursue interests outside school?, What / Who has helped you floursish ?, Does school cater for students with special needs?, Who would you turn to if you had to overcome a major setback?, What are you doing these days that has meaning to you as an individual?, How well do you cope with stress?, Do you tend to sit back and let things happen to you or do you go out and "happen to things"?.

Gold Experience B2+ U1 Vocab


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