1) My brother ... to Tom now a) talk b) is talking c) are talking d) talks e) talking 2) Не ... hard every day. a) work b) is working c) works d) are working e) working 3) That girl ... English very well. a) speak b) is speak c) are speaking d) speaks e) speaking 4) My friend and I ... hamburgers very much. a) likes b) are liking c) like d) to like e) liking 5) John and Frank ... letters at this moment. a) writes b) writing c) is writing d) are writing e) write 6) The children ... for two hours every afternoon. a) sleeping b) are sleeping c) sleeps d) is sleeping e) sleep 7) It ... very much in autumn. a) is rain b) is raining c) rains d) are raining e) rain 8) Miss Peters ... to Mr Johnson right now. a) talks b) are talking c) talk d) is talking e) is talks 9) We ... Exercise 13 at the moment. a) are doing b) doing c) does d) do e) is doing f) do 10) My mother ... very well. a) cook b) cooks c) is cooking d) are cooking e) cooking

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