1) How should the word contrast be split into syllables? a) con/trast b) co/ntrat c) cont/rast d) contr/ast 2) How should the word district be split into syllables? a) dist/rict b) dis/trict c) di/strict d) distr/ict 3) How should the word sample be split into syllables? a) samp/le b) sa/mple c) sam/ple d) sampl/e 4) How should the word transform be split into syllables? a) trans/form b) tran/sform c) transf/orm d) tra/nsform 5) How should the word backyard be split into syllables? a) bac/kyard b) backy/ard c) ba/ckyard d) back/yard 6) How should the word complex be split into syllables? a) com/plex b) co/mplex c) comp/lex 7) How should the word district be split into syllables? a) dist/rict b) dis/trict c) di/strict 8) How should the word hundred be split into syllables? a) hund/red b) hu/ndred c) hun/dred 9) How should the word improve be split into syllables? a) im/prove b) i/mprove c) imp/rove 10) How should the word monster be split into syllables? a) monst/er b) mo/nster c) mon/ster 11) How should the word orchard be split into syllables? a) orch/ard b) or/chard c) orc/hard 12) How should the word wrongful be split into syllables? a) wrong/ful b) wron/gful c) wrongf/ul 13) How should the word landmark be split into syllables? a) lan/dmark b) landm/ark c) land/mark 14) How should the word complete be split into syllables? a) com/plete b) comp/lete c) co/mplete 15) How should the word inspect be split into syllables? a) ins/pect b) in/spect c) insp/ect 16) How should the word merchant be split into syllables? a) merch/ant b) merc/hant c) mer/chant 17) How should the word address be split into syllables? a) ad/dress b) add/ress c) a/dress 18) How should the word explode be split into syllables? a) exp/lode b) ex/plode c) e/xplode 19) How should the word pilgrim be split into syllables? a) pil/grim b) pi/lgrim c) pilg/rim 20) How should the word purchase be split into syllables? a) purch/ase b) purc/hase c) pur/chase

VCCCV Syllable Pattern


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