1) I live .......... a small flat in the city centre a) at b) on c) in 2) Jack usually goes ........ the gym after work a) at b) to c) in 3) Do you have a TV ...... your bedroom? a) at b) on c) in 4) I love watching TV ...... the sofa at night a) in b) at c) on 5) My wife isn't here at the moment because she's .......... a) in the work b) at work c) on work 6) On Saturdays, we sometimes have lunch ......... a restaurant a) on b) in c) to 7) My sister is studying History at the moment .......... university a) at the b) at c) in 8) Do you work ......... a hospital? a) in b) to c) at 9) I've forgotten my keys, I've left them ......... the table........ my office. a) on, on b) on,in c) in, on 10) Wait for me ........ the bus-stop, I will be there in 5 minutes a) in b) on c) at 11) We usually go ....... the cinema on Friday nights a) in b) to c) at 12) The children aren't ........ school today - it's a holiday a) at the b) at c) on the

A2: Prepositions of Place (at, in, on & to)


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