1) July is ... month of the year. a) hotter b) the hotter c) the hottest d) the most hot e) the hotest f) hotter than 2) My house is ... yours. a) more expensive b) most expensive c) the most expensive d) more expensive than e) the more expensive f) the most expensive than 3) Toy Story 1 is not ... Toy Story 3 a) as funny as b) more funny than c) funnier d) the funniest than e) as funnier than f) as funny than 4) Which of these fruits is ... ? a) healthy b) the most healthy c) healthyer d) the helthiest e) as healthy f) the healthiest 5) This is the ... ship in the world. a) larger b) the largest c) larger than d) largest e) as large as f) as larger as 6) My daughter's singing is ... than yours. a) beter b) worse c) worst d) best e) the best f) the worst 7) My new car doesn't drive as ... my previous one. a) fast than b) faster as c) faster than d) fastest e) the fastest f) fast as 8) What's ... you've ever travelled by car? a) farer b) the farther c) the most far d) the farthest e) the further f) the farest 9) Lucy's eyes are ... as Linda's. a) bluer b) blue c) more blue d) the bluest e) as blue as f) as blue 10) You've broken the window again. You should be ... a) as careful b) more careful c) carefuler d) carefuller e) the carefulest f) carefull

A2/B1 - Comparative / Superlative


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