He married for money, so when she lost the job, they GOT DIVORCED, He asked he our to the restaurant and proposed! Of course she said yes and they GOT ENGAGED, She's ASKED Steve OUT to the cinema this evening., She's just BROKEN UP with her boyfriend and now she’s finally happy with her life., Hmm... to ban alcohol... What are your THOUGHTS on all of this?, How do you FEEL about that?, Hannah, you are a bit OVERWEIGHT and I think you should go on a diet., Can you see me? Your FRINGE is too long. You need to cut it down., He’s shaved off his MOUSTACHE but he still has a beard., Mark's cheeks are slightly CHUBBY, he looks like a child., She is old and her face is covered in WRINKLES., He USED TO have a beard, but now he’s clean-shaven, She DIDN`T USE to play any sports, but now she goes to gym 3 times a week, He has red hair and FRECKLES on his cheeks and nose..

Pre | Class 22 | Student A

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