1) Lions ___________ meat. a) eat b) to eat c) eats d) eating 2) He __________ TV on Fridays. a) watch b) watching c) to watch d) watches 3) You _________ your homework every day. a) does b) to do c) do d) doing 4) My dog _________ a lot of water. a) to drink b) drinks c) drinking d) drink 5) Zara ________ pasta frequently. a) eat b) eating c) eats d) to eat 6) My parents __________ shopping every Sunday. a) going b) go c) to go d) goes 7) We __________ fruits and vegetables a lot. a) liking b) to like c) likes d) like 8) They ________ muffins every week. a) cook b) cooks c) cooking d) to cook 9) Batman __________ comics every day. a) read b) to read c) reads d) reading 10) Alice __________ piano every afternoon.  a) playing b) plays c) play d) to play

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