1) The weather was much _________ in England than in Spain last week. a) warm b) warmer c) warmest 2) Liverpool didn't play as ________ as Manchester on Saturday. a) better b) good c) well 3) John is _______  than David. a) young b) younger c) youngest 4) His latest film is _________ than the last one. a) exciting b) excitingger c) more exciting 5) The new chairs aren't nearly ________ comfortable as the old brown ones. a) as b) more c) than 6) It's ________ in Germany than in England during the winter. a) cold b) colder c) more cold 7) I feel _________ today than I did yesterday. a) more worse b) worse c) worser 8) She's lost a lot of weight and is ________  now than she was last time I saw her. a) thin b) more thin c) thinner 9) We are going to be __________ next month than we are at the moment. a) busy b) busyer c) busier 10) The class rooms look a lot ____________ now that they have all been painted. a) better b) good c) more good 11) Avatar is probably __________ film I've ever seen! a) the worst b) worse c) bad 12) What is _________ month of the year in England? a) the most wet b) the wettest c) wetter 13) Who is ________ person in your country? a) more powerful b) the powerfullest c) the most powerful 14) John is _________ person I know a) nicer b) the nicest c) the most nice 15) This is a really good school. It's one of ________ in town. a) the best b) the gooddest c) better 16) She is ________ woman in the world. a) the richest b) the most rich c) richer 17) School days are supposed to be _______________ days of your life but I don't agree. a) happier b) the more happier c) the happiest 18) I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep. I think that he is one of ______________ people in the world. a) boring b) the most boring c) the boringest 19) He thinks Chinese is _________ language in the world a) the most difficult b) most difficult c) difficultest 20) __________desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa. a) the most hottest b) the hottest c) hotter

Comparatives and superlatives


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