1) What is this sport called? a) Basketball b) Baseball c) Rugby 2) Where was the first World Cup for soccer held in 1930? a) Uruguay b) Japan c) Argentina 3) What sport is played at Wimbledon? a) Tennis b) Baseball c) Hockey 4) Which cyclist has the record for winning the Tour De France seven consecutive times? a) Louis Hamilton b) Marlon Oliver c) Lance Armstrong 5) In 2004, the Olympic Games 'came home' to which city? a) Olympia b) Sparta c) Athens 6) In which sport was Muhammad Ali the world champion? a) Rugby b) Boxing c) Karate 7) What animal was chosen to be the mascot of SEA Games 22 organized in Vietnam? a) Buffalo b) Macaw c) Toucan 8) What are the colors of the five Olympic rings? a) Red, yellow, green, blue and black b) Red, yellow, orange, blue and black c) Red, yellow, green, blue and orange 9) Which is the only country to have played in each and every World Cup? a) Germany b) The U.S.A. c) Brazil 10) In volleyball, there is a player specialized in defensive skills. He/she must wear a contrasting jersey color from his/her teammates and cannot block or attack the ball when it is entirely above net height. What is the name of the player? a) Defensor b) Libero c) Blocker



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