Online Scam - Fraudulent activities such as identity theft and financial frauds that are committed by using the Internet., Phishing - The fraudulent practice of sending emails in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, Virus - A type of malware which can covertly transmit itself between computers via networks often causing damage to systems and data, Privacy - A state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other people., Digital Security - Various ways of protecting computer's internet account and files from intrusion by an outside user., Opt-out - To choose not to participate in something., Cookies - Small files, often including unique identifiers that web servers send to browsers., Terms of service - The legal agreements between a service provider and a person who wants to use that service, Privacy settings - The part of a social networking website, internet browser, piece of software, etc. that allows you to control who sees information about you, Privacy policy - A legal document that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, and manages a customer, etc., Pharming - The fraudulent practice of directing internet users to a bogus website that obtains personal information such as passwords, account numbers, etc.,

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