1) My sister............. to be a model. a) wants b) want c) wantes 2) I ................ short black hair and brown eyes. a) has b) haves c) have 3) You ......... to finish your activities. a) needs b) needes c) need 4) Anna doesn't .......... football. a) likes b) like c) likies 5) Carlos and Joaquin .......... know the answer. a) doesn't b) don't c) not does 6) I don't ......... to go swim today. a) wanties b) wants c) want 7) ........ you love me? a) Do b) Does c) Doesn't 8) ........ Dandy like Math or Science better? a) Do b) Does c) Doesn't 9) Do we .......... to leave now? a) need b) needs c) needies 10) In the negative form, do/does become: a) don't/doens b) doe't/doesn c) don't/doesn't

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