1) I am sorry Ann can't come to the phone right now because she _________ a shower. a) is taking b) has taken c) takes d) has been taking 2) Carol and I are old friends. I ______________ her since we studied in high school together. a) have been knowing b) know c) am knowing d) have known 3) I don't like Alice. She ______________ about difficulties of life all the time. a) has complained b) complains c) has been complaining d) is complaining 4) I am tired. We ______________ for more than an hour. Let's stop and rest for a while. a) are walking b) walk c) have walked d) have been walking 5) There! ______________ this big heavy cloud in the sky? I am sure it'll rain in a minute. a) Do you see b) Are you seeing c) Have you seen d) Have you been seeing 6) I ______________ Mario for some time since he left Milan a few years ago. a) didn't see b) don't see c) aren't seeing d) haven't seen 7) You may take this magazine. I ______________ through it already. a) am looking b) have been looking c) look d) have looked 8) As far as I know Mike ______________ Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn't understand very much. a) has learnt b) learns c) is learning d) has been learning 9) David is quite an athlete. He wants to be strong and healthy that's why he ______________ every morning. a) has been jogging b) has jogged c) jogs d) is jogging 10) Her family ______________ from town to town ever since she can remember. a) is moving b) has moved c) has been moving d) moves 11) - Do you remember me? - Of course, I do. We ______________ several times before. a) have met b) have been meeting c) meet d) met 12) It's raining, and I see you don't have an umbrella. You can borrow mine, I ______________ it now. a) haven't needed b) don't need c) did not need d) haven't been needing

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